Sunday, June 1, 2008

Emmulating Daddy

As I stated in an earlier post, my oldest is trying real hard to grow up. Now his younger brother has decided that he wants to do big kid stuff, too.

I'm using the "if you are responsible, you may do more big kid things" line with him. He is my laid back child. I have to keep on him about picking up his toys, putting away his laundry, using a garbage can, etc. I figure this is a good way to get him to be more responsible.

The past few nights, A (as he will be known here) has taken to wearing just boxers to bed. My boys have been wearing the boxer/tshirt combo as jammies for a while, but they have never wanted to wear JUST the boxers.

So this morning I questioned him on why he want to only wear boxers...especially since he complains that he is cold.

His answer: It makes me LOOK more rethsponsible. {lisp intended, as his front teeth aren't all the way in yet}

I'm looking at my skinny little 7 year old in a pair of boxer briefs, shivering in the kitchen. The logic of it all escaped me.

I tried to explain that responsibility is an action, not the way you look. He wanted nothing of this explanation. He went on to inform me that since Daddy is a grown, responsible man and HE wears boxers to bed, A should too.

I love the simple logic of children.

I'm sure the boxers to bed will be a short lived the mean time I'll just throw another blanket on him at night.

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